"'Grandmotherly' is how fashion designer, Johnson Hartig, describes his new house in Los Angeles. If so it seems she's been on a high-speed, hallucinatory world cruise. Dipping into Provence and Marrakesh, via olde-worlde England, the interior is a dense, day glo cornucopia, rich with chintz and chinoiserie, baskets and Baroque portraits all held together by unerring instinct.."
“Wherever a creative person is, they will be creative,” says Johnson Hartig of Los Angeles–based Libertine, the quirky-clever label that plays with all sorts of vintage tropes—and then embellishes them like crazy, with a Hollywood-like sprinkling of nostalgic stardust to reinvent the past for the present. “I studied art,” he says by way of explanation. “I love decorating surfaces.” While Hartig is L.A.-born and bred, he was, until COVID hit, an inveterate traveler, particularly drawn to experiencing Far Eastern and South Asian cultures. “I’d take two or three major trips a year to replenish my well,” he says. “I’ve not traveled for nine months now, and it’s driving me crazy!”—Mark Holgate